with comedian Agnès Jaoui

“Poor Sophie, she doesn’t have a bad heart, if only she didn’t have so many ideas! But ideas, Sophie has, at least one a day. “
The Countess of Ségur’s masterpiece has not aged. Anaïs Vaugelade gives a very personal vision of it and mixes the escapades of little Sophie with hers, in an irreverent style of great freshness.
A unique opportunity for young and old to discover Schumann’s music for piano. Pianist Claire-Marie Le Guay performs extracts from the Scenes of Children, the Youth Album and Scenes from the Woods. The actress Agnès Jaoui plays with talent a playful Sophie and an insatiable curiosity.

Recorded with Elsa Lepoivre, from the Comédie Française book CD Ed Didier Jeunesse

Reading concert for families from 7 years old

Duration : 1h

  1. https://www.sangomahealing.com/
  2. https://www.saysoinc.org/
  3. https://www.etcgreen.com/
  4. https://www.dfwgaelicleague.com/
  5. https://www.harbourtonfoundation.org/
  6. https://newcovenantumc.org/
  7. https://clairemarieleguay.com/
  8. https://islamiccouncilofoklahoma.org/
  9. https://ctamaine.org/
  10. https://mccabechapelumc.org/
  11. https://voneinspired.com/
  12. https://www.talkforlife.org/
  13. https://wlathletics.org/
  14. https://www.buyartjewels.com/
  15. https://canaw.org/
  1. demo slot